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Deb Kelly

ACC Counsellor

NZAC & DAPAANZ Registered

I provide unconditional acceptance, empathy, and positive regard for all my clients. I have a combined theory-based practice, with a holistic methodology which offers a safe space for collaborative practice.
I am mostly Person Centred in my approach, although utilise a combination of CBT, DBT, Narrative Therapy, Strength Based and Mindfulness techniques as needed in the counselling session. I uphold the clients Mana and encourage them through upholding their own inner strengths while and encouraging them to take charge of their own lives.
I have experience in working in AOD, Mental health and I am currently an ACC Provider for Sensitive Claims in Hamilton. I also have experience working with the LGBTQI+ community, young people and elderly.
I am currently working with Adults facing mental health, historical trauma and traumatic memories. I received my Degree from Wintec Hamilton and bring with me a lifetime of knowledge, skills and experience both professionally and personally. My Company name is Themis Counselling Ltd.
I am registered with DAPAANZ, Addiction Practitioners Association Aotearoa New Zealand, also registered with NZAC, New Zealand Association of Counsellors.
My Company name is Themis Counselling Ltd.
I also previously worked in Huntly for Whanui Trust, as an AOD Counsellor.
I am an ACC Provider for Sensitive Claims PAN992. Empowered Life Ltd, is my ACC Supplier
I am also a MiriMiri Practitioner for over 5 years (Maori Healing practice).
For any of my own Counselling clients that are requiring MiriMiri, I refer on to any of my network of MiriMiri Practitioners in both Hamilton and surrounding areas.
Also fluent in Afrikaans, English and have knowledge of Zulu, Dutch and Māori.

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